1946年建校的国立木浦大学(Mokpo National University)在2006年迎来建校60周年,值此逢甲之即通过“向海洋领域的选择与进军”,以创建“引领环太平洋地区时代潮流的全球性人才培养模式”为目标,并宣言了“第二次办学创新”。木浦大学作为引领韩国西南部――木浦市及其邻近区域开发的中心大学。
UCSI University | Malaysia’s Best Private University思特雅大学官网www.ucsiuniversity.edu.my思特雅大学(University College Sedaya International,简称UCSI ),成立于1986年,是马来西亚教育部批准成立的、中国教育部及全球承认的可以授予大学本科及硕士文凭的海外普通高等院校。她是马来西亚教育部批准的三所私立大学之一,并于2003年成为有史以来第一所被马来西亚教育部批准开设医学类课程的私立大学
The website of Alex Tew, a 21-year-old entrepreneur, who hopes to pay his way through university by selling 1 million pixels of internet ad space for $1 each.www.milliondollarhomepage.com The Million Dollar Homepage - Own a piece of internet history!
中山大学附属第三医院(原中山医科大学附属第三医院),学科门类齐全,专科特色明显,是一所承担预防保健、医疗、康复以及医学教育和科研任务的大型综合性医院,是卫生部直属的甲等医院和国家爱婴医院、广东省文明医院.The Third Affiliated Hospital,Sun Yat-Sen University www.zssy.com.cn
Official Web Site of The University of Alabama; founded in 1831, UA is a senior comprehensive doctoral-level institution dedicated to advancing intellectual and social conditions through quality programs of teaching, research, and service
Home - University of Alabama PressThe Kishinev Ghetto, 1941–1942 Paul A. Shapiro with chronology by Radu Ioanid and Brewster Chamberlin and translations by Angela Jianu...www.uapress.ua.edu
University of South Alabama Homepage www.southalabama.edu
The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) is a public co-educational, state-supported research university within The University of Alabama System. UAH was founded as part of the University of Alabama in 1950 and became an autonomous campus within the
For more than 135 years, the University of Alabama School of Law has produced attorneys who become leaders locally, nationally and globally. Alabama Law provides a top-rate education at an affordable cost in a supportive and diverse environment.www.law.u
The University of North Alabama is an accredited, comprehensive regional state university offering undergraduate and graduate degree programs.
University of Alabama Astronomy Home Page www.astr.ua.edu
University of West Alabama UWA... The University of West Alabama’s Julia Tutwiler Library and College of Education has announced a half-day conference for ...www.uwa.edu
Mahidol University is the best comprehensive universities in Thailand and Mahidol University is ranked as the #1 university in Thailand by the recent QS.com...www.mahidol.ac.th
国际大学生体育联合会(International University Sports Federation, FISU)创建于1919年,当时称为国国际大学生体育联合会际大学生联盟(FIE)。
University of MaltaThink Magazine: Issue 14 The University of Malta’s research magazine divider Opening of academic year 2015-16 The University of Malta opens its doors...www.um.edu.mt