UU Art Repository - Chinese Artwork Online Exhibition. Oil Painting, Chinese Painting. Help you to find favorite painting and favorite artist.
微缩景观世界 (Miniatur Wunderland) 是一家铁路模型展览中心,展示的模型囊括全球各地的许多地点,铁轨长度近 16,000 米。孪生兄弟 Frederik 和 Gerrit Braun 于 2000 年创立了微缩景观世界,整个项目细节丰富饱满,充满了奇趣和梦幻之感。Miniatur Wunderland – the world\'s largest model railway exhibition. A world-famous model train and miniature exh
Craig Redman & Karl Maier live in different parts of the world but collaborate daily to create bold work that is filled with simple messages executed in a thoughtful and often humorous way.www.craigandkarl.com
上海展览中心 Shanghai Exhibition Center 上海展览馆上海展览中心是经上海市人民政府批准组建的专业从事会议、展览业务的经济实体。 上海展览中心主体建筑建成于1955年3月,是新中国成立后上海建成最早的会展场所。
China exhibition,China Trade shows,China fairs, China expo,China exhibitions & China events