Droog:比利时家居试用购物体验馆是一家通过先试用再购买的销售模式,通过切身体会和使用家具以后,再付款,这样很多用户在体验过程中会爱上相应商品,最后直接买下。Droog creates products, projects and events around the world in collaboration with designers, clients and partners. Droog, based in Amsterdam, founded 1993.
Obey,品牌全名叫Obey Giant。设计师喜欢收集贴字、海报,曾以一名摔角手’Andre the Grant’的样貌作贴字、贴满整个街头而广受欢迎,因而取其名作品牌名字。轻便的街头服饰以摇滚及Hip Hop乐手作设计灵感,款式包括卫衣、tee及阔身裤子。The official OBEY Clothing website. A mix of progressive design, classic street wear, and apparel basics. Based on the design
Bureau of Reclamation Homepage www.usbr.gov Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation Homepage, Water, Dams, Dam, Projects & Facilities, Hydromet, Agrimet, hydropower