An Expert Manufacturer of Digital Touch Screen since 2011Established in 2011, a national high and new technology enterprise. Fvasee (Shenzhen) Technology Co. Limited is one of the largest and professional manufacturers of touch digital displays in China.
ShowMore 是一款免费在线的视频平台,让用户能够自由录制电脑屏幕中的画面。然后你能够将录制的视频上传到云空间,既能减少电脑硬盘的负担又能随时随地访问以及管理。通过云空间,你还可以一键分享给你的亲朋好友或者分享到其他社交网站当中。ShowMore gives you the ability to record any screen activity as videos. It also supports uploading and sharing your videos for accessing t
Smartshot 是一款集合了抓图、标注、上传于一体的浏览器截图工具,拥有免费且跨平台,不只能抓网页,也一样可以抓电脑截图。如果你在浏览器上操作的截图频率比较高,不妨试试这款工具。Smartshot gives you the easiest way to capture your screen and share it with one-click
Capture full web page screenshots in Firefox, Chrome, Opera or Internet Explorer: quick screenshots and annotations!FireShot makes FULL web page screenshots in one click. Capture web pages entirely, edit and se to PDF, JPEG, or
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