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Huizhou Jinghao Medical Technology CO., LTD. is the sole listed hearing aids/ hearing amplifier manufacturer in China, be famous for provide good quality and good price hearing aids/hearing amplifier.Main product:hearing aids, Hearing amplifier, ITE heari

百度权重:助听器百度权重 搜狗权重:助听器搜狗权重
Huizhou Jinghao Medical Technology CO., LTD. is the sole listed hearing aids/ hearing amplifier manufacturer in China, be famous for provide good quality and good price hearing aids/hearing amplifier.Main product:hearing aids, Hearing amplifier, ITE hearing aids, bte hearing aids, OTC hearing aids, OEM hearing aids, bluetooth hearing aidsWe passed BSCI, ISO13485, ISO9001, C-TPAT, SQP ,CVS HEALTH etc audit ,and all products with CE, RoHS, FDA certificates. It has successively established cooperative relations with the leading German health and daily necessities brand beurer, the American retail pharmacy giant CVS, the French supermarket giant Carrefour, and the Indian national medicine giant APPOLO. For more than ten years, Jinghao Medical has been relying on its innovative technolo




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