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IMO is closely monitoring the situation in cooperation with other United Nations agencies ...
东京国际大学,英文名称:Tokyo International University。是于1965年设立的日本私立大学。大学的简称为“TIU、东国大”。东京国际大学诞生于1965年,起初只开设有商学院的商学科。如今,学校已经成长为拥有5个学院,10个学科,5个研究生院研究科,学生数量超过6000名的大规模大学。
Established in 1951, IOM is the leading inter-governmental organization in the field of migration and works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners.
The International Energy Agency (IEA) is an intergovernmental organisation which acts as energy policy advisor to 28 member countries in their effort to ensure reliable, affordable and clean energy for their citizens.
Meeting Professionals International (MPI), the meeting and event industry’s most vibrant global community, helps its members thrive by providing human connections to knowledge and ideas, relationships, and marketplaces.
The ICA is the world's leading international cotton trade association and arbitral body. We carry more than 160 years of history and a clear mission for the future to protect the legitimate interests of all those involved in the cotton trade.
南阳市中考成绩查询系统说明: 1、使用ie核心浏览器请使用6.0以上版本,或使用google、火狐、360等新版浏览器。 2、请正确输入以\"1813\"开头的12位中招文化课准考证号和18位身份证号,否则不能查出! 3、成绩查询不包括邓州考生,邓州考生中招成绩请咨询邓州市教育局。
第一科技(第1科技)网创立于2014年1月15日,英文名:DiyiTech ,作为中国领先的科技互联网媒体新锐,致力于打造IT科技领域的资讯航母。第1科技网全球视角深度报道国内外互联网科技重大事件,聚焦高新产品技术。受众群覆盖广、访问量高、内容生动丰富、观点独到敏锐、富有洞察力与前瞻性,备受读者与业界的推崇,已成为国内最具价值与影响力IT科技互联网资讯交流平台。
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